Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Let's Talk About Summer Camp!

From the time I was going into the 4th grade, I knew I'd be hooked on "Camp" for a long time!  Our church took us to IRBC in Clear Lake, Iowa. I not only attended each and every year until I was a senior in high school, I worked as many weeks as I could during the summers for 4 years!

At our camp, we were separated from outside influences for the week we attended--no phone (we could use the one in the dining hall if we wanted too).  We had a dress code--which I never appreciated until I grew older and became a mother! 

We had so much fun at camp! I met my husband at camp!  I have friends that I met at camp that I still am in contact with!  I had the opportunity to sit under men of God that taught me what God's word said about:  choosing friends wisely, honoring my parents, being respectful, dating. I dedicated my life to the Lord at Christian camp.

I could go on forever about the impact that the IRBC had on my life, and I could never do it justice.  

My children were a few years short of being old enough to attend camp when my husband and I moved to West Palm Beach, Florida.  I wept at the thought that my kids would never have the opportunity to attend or work at that camp....that's how much it meant to me.


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