Thursday, June 26, 2014

Joy in the Midst of Tears . . .

Usually for a Wednesday night in the summer, I print up about 25-30 prayer bulletins for the crowd that gathers for prayer in our little country church. Yesterday, I made just over 50.  I knew we were going to have a much larger group.  And we did!  Fifty men, women, and children gathered around a young mother and father who learned yesterday morning that their 10 year old son has cancer.  

I cannot even begin to tell you what the atmosphere was like in our church. Heartbreaking prayers going up for the mommy and daddy who's lives will forever be changed.  Not to mention the young boy who now will be fighting cancer or be a cancer survivor for the remainder of his life here.  

The little man who's name was lifted to our Father last night, over and over again is one of my kids in Kids 4 Truth.  He has memorized so many scriptures in the past 3 years!  He witnesses to so many! He invites kids to church!  He talks to kids about the Lord in the public school.  He shines for Jesus!  One of older men testified last night that he has almost 70 years on this little boy and that the little boy still tells him about Jesus!  We laughed through our tears!  It's like "God was everywhere" comforting, and encouraging and giving
 peace--as only He can! 

We didn't get home last night until 9:30 PM.  People didn't want to leave. They wanted to talk and encourage this couple face to face!! Small groups here and there, talking and praying.  One of our teen girls went to the piano and started playing!  God was there!  I wish you could have been there! 

What an awesome night!  One that none of us will forget.  God is so good!


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